Refund Policy

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Refund Policy


Subject to the following terms:

Fees paid by our customers regarding the purchase of domain privacy, domain names, adding of funds, setup fees, hosting package upgrades, configurable options, and product add-ons are non-refundable.

Our customers have the option, but not the obligation, to retain ownership and control of any promotional “Free Domain Names” registered in connection with the subscription, in which case the amount of the chosen domain name registration cost will reduce the customer’s refund. If the customer decides not to keep the domain name, then the domain name will be deleted at the cost of a £10.00 deletion fee, payable by the customer.

The customer may cancel his/her/its Services at any time. The services will be automatically terminated at the end of the purchase billing cycle. No refund is offered.

Chargebacks and Reversals. Suppose the customer issues a chargeback or reversal of charges, including but not limited to a Direct Debit indemnification claim, without first following the above cancellation procedures. In that case, the customer will be responsible for a £25.00 billing service fee. Hosting accounts that have an open dispute may be disabled for security purposes.

Reactivation of Services. Suppose the customer services are terminated due to overdue payment. In that case, the customer may request reactivation of his/her/its services but will be liable to pay a £25.00 reactivation fee for shared hosting services upfront. During the reactivation of services, Blackpool Web Designer will attempt to restore the customer’s services to their original state (before termination). However, Blackpool Web Designer accepts no responsibility for the loss of any data incurred due to account termination. Account reactivation fees are non-refundable.


Abuse of the Refund Policy:

Customers requesting serial or repeated refunds may be blocked from making further purchases.